Act now to make a difference

“Women today live by the myth that they can clean everything up after the age of 40.  So at 40, they walk into my office like it’s a warranty station and say, “Here I am! Fix me!” –Pamela Peeke, M.D., Assistant  Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland in Baltimore and Author of Fight Fat After Forty (Viking Press).

The average 30-years-old has an unprecedented chance to live to 100—if she takes care of herself.  “But what’s relevant to her now,” says Dr. Peeke, “is sliding into a pair of size 2 jeans every morning, finding the love of her life or scoring an excellent career.”  True, you can develop heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer long before you’re a centenarian.  But you’ll lower your risk fo all of these disorders by following one simple prescription:  “Avoid smoking, eat well and exercise,” says Dr. Mosca.  “All the fancy research we can come up with is never going to change that.”  (Sound easier said than done? 

The Best Stay-healthy Measure at …

20  Stop smoking already!  Kicking  the habit now can add 15 years to your life, according to the American Legacy Foundation

30  Watch your weight.  Stick to a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise, especially after having a baby.  Pregnancy is a major reason women put on weight in their thirties.

40  Keep watching your weight.  Staying trim reduces your risk for heart disease, which kills nearly three times as many women as their forties as in their thirties.  –Caroline Bollinger

Source:  “ Women’s Health Handbook ”  Mary Duenwald