Fluorescent Lighting is Harmful to Human Health

Not modern fluorescent lighting.  Known as compact fluorescent lamp (CPL), these lamps have much improved color quality, plus they are roughly four times more efficient than incandescent lamps.

The reservations against using fluorescent lighting may have come from its mercury content.  However, today’s CFLs have less than 4 mg of mercury per bulb.  This amount is “about one-fifth that found in the average watch battery and less than 100th found in a typical amalgam dental filling.”  In short, the amount of mercury is CFL is small enough to be considered as a significant health threat.

Another problem that has been eliminated by CFL is “the annoying flicker and hum from fluorescents that use electronic ballasts.”  People with light sensitivity conditions need not be alarmed as it has been concluded by different studies done in the United States and the United Kingdom that “no fluorescent lighting technology presents anywhere near the high levels of UV (ultraviolet) danger to light sensitive persons that sunlight presents.”  In short, if it has been awhile since you have tried fluorescent lighting, you may want to give these bulbs another try.


► Eleven Energy Myths:  From Efficient Halogen Lights to Cleaning Refrigerator Coils.  http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/energy-myths3.html

► Energy Myth Busters.  http://www.mtholyoke.edu/offices/es/13627.shtml

► Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulbs.  http://www.bchydro.com/powersamrt/elibrary/elibrary680.html

► Phase-out of Inefficient Light Bulbs.  http://www.greenhouse.gove.au/energy/cfls/index.html